Saturday, August 21, 2010

Saturday August 21, 2010

Yesterday was a very busy day.

We started with the Plastic Surgeon's office to have my stitches removed. I felt certain parts of that, and let me just say, it felt WEIRD! A couple of parts hurt but all in all, she was done before I knew it. I have an appointment to return in 2 weeks which is when they will start filling my expanders. I received my return to work authorization as well. :-) I will work from home for 2 weeks and return to the office at 6 weeks.

Off to Harris Methodist Southwest to have my port procedure. I received conscious sedation which means I remember parts of the procedure. I remember him saying "she's so tiny," I also remember feeling certain parts but just a tugging sensation. Since I was somewhat awake the whole time, recovery didn't take long. Since the procedure didn't start until 12:30, I was STARVING. They gave me a sandwich, chips, fruit, vanilla ice cream, juice, and a diet shasta. I ate and drank all of it. Then off to home to take a nap and eat again! :-)

My neck is sore where he went in to find the vein and of course where the port is, but other than that, I'm good. The port sticks up out of the skin so that's weird. I did not, however, have any nausea! YAY!

This morning we woke up to learn that my Mother in Law is in the hospital with a bowel obstruction. If everyone could pray for her, I'd appreciate it!

My next appointment is my first chemo treatment on August the 26th. So until then. Love to all!

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