Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday July 26, 2010

Who out there thought they'd be shopping at a Cancer Boutique at the age of 34 for themselves??? No one? Yeah me neither but that is where I found myself this afternoon getting fitted for a comisole. It's just a loose tank top that has velcro in the front but has pockets on the inside to hold by drain bags. (ewwww) :-)
$53 dollars later, I was off to my pre surgery doctor's appointment with Dr. Bussey.

Jamey and Michelle met me there. Dr. Bussey took me back by myself first, looked at my stitches and then "ripped" my steri strips off. I can say she ripped them off because no one else was there! (Jamey disagrees with me on the word "ripped")

After that she called Jamey and Michelle back and asked if we had any last minute questions.
- when will my numbness in my arm pit go away? Could take up to 6 weeks
- can I have Dr. Harper, the anesthesiologist I had last Tuesday, this Wednesday. She said he is on her surgical team and the only reason he wouldn't be there is if he is on vacation. In the event he isn't there, she will make sure the anesthesiologist does exactly what Dr. Harper did since I had a GREAT recovery.
- when will these stitches in my arm pit come out? She will take them out Wednesday while I'm in surgery.
- since I only had 2 lymph nodes removed, do I still run a risk of lymphademia? I have a 1% chance.

Dr. Bussey wanted to know if I was happy with my plastic surgeon, and if I'm still wanting a double mastectomy. Yes and YES!

Off we went and we will see her at 6 am on Wednesday...

Love to all!

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